Oviedo on the Park Oviedo, Florida

The City of Oviedo entered into a public-private partnership with a unified vision to create a walkable, mixed-use Town Center. Dix.Hite led the master planning effort, helping to establish an aesthetic unique to the city and developing a plan that integrates civic, residential, retail, and commercial uses within a walkable framework. The town plan includes Center Lake Park, the hub of community activity, featuring an amphitheater, dog-park, play area, concessions, splash pad, Veterans Memorial, and water activities to invite citizens to interact daily. Inspired by the agricultural history of Oviedo, Dix.Hite introduced native plant materials and bold sculptural patterns in the signage and hardscape to connect park goers to the cultural, historical, and natural environment.


PAC Land Development and City of Oviedo

Project Services


Master Planning

Landscape Architecture

Public Realm Design

Environmental Graphics

Design Team

Dix.Hite + Partners

Powell Design Group


Project Awards

2016 ASLA Florida Award of Merit


Orlando Health’s Lake Beauty Park


The Paramount on Lake Eola